

Installed in a 37 thousand square meters area in Curitiba, capital of Paraná, Artely is the largest and best manufacturer of LIVING ROOM COMPLEMENTS in Brazil, committed to offer its customers furniture that beautify their homes and make their life more practical and complete!

“A history of tradition and reliability for almost three decades.”

For almost thirty years, this family business has stood out as a reference in its segment, achieving recognition for its tradition and reliability.

Due to its commitment to the customer and quality, Artely is among the most remembered brands in Brazil in living room complements, being highlighted every year, since the first edition in 2006, in the TOP MOBILE AWARD. This is a renowned award, which is a national opinion survey that rewards the companies most remembered by the main retailers in Brazil.

But all of this did not happen accidentally. The Durante's Family, originally from the Treviso region in Italy, has always been dedicated to work with wood and furniture.

With a trajectory that began in Brazil in 1878, the immigrants of this family sawed wood and built houses for other Italians who arrived in the south of the country, where they settled.

The italian tradition of working the wood with affection and quality has been preserved and remains alive today!


Since then, the family business has always been linked to wood, and in 1996, Artely was founded in Paraná, an important region of furniture producing in BRAZIL.

Just four years after the foundation, Artely inaugurated its new factory. Over the years, the company has continued to strengthen its team, improving the production process and specializing in living room complements.

Today, Artely leads the Brazilian market for LIVING ROOM COMPLEMENTS, as we have the best and most complete line of coffee and end tables, sideboards, buffets, bars, TV panels, TV stands, bookcases and desks. The furniture combines beauty, quality and functionality, serving different lifestyles and making comfortable and modern environments for consumers! Artely was also one of the pioneers in Brazil to invest in TAMBURATO use in furnitures, and today, is one of the top producers of this excellent type of material!

Artely's team is proud to maintain several long-lasting business partnerships, spread throughout Brazil and around the world, and works looking not only for the company's success, but also for a social and sustainable development. Practices are adopted that demonstrate respect and concern for nature and society, always following ethical principles.

Artely has internal standards for low consumption of raw materials, rational use of natural resources, valuing dos employees, and participation in many social projects. Learn more:

Actions to valorize our team:

  • Structure that allows the development of an internal professional career;
  • Annual commemorative event in honor of employees with more than 10 years in the company;
  • Offer of house to employees who came from other cities to work at Artely;
  • Awards linked to goals achievement and compliance with schedules;

  • Commemoration of employees' birthdays;

  • Gifts and souvenirs on holidays;

  • Program SOC, incentivating Security, Organization and Cleaning; 
  • Labor Gymnastics 3 times a week, encouraging health and physical exercises;

  • Occupational safety and health monitoring, guaranteed by SIPAT - Internal Week for the Prevention of Occupational Accidents, besides other internal actions;

  • Health insurance plans;

  • Life insurance - funeral assistance;

  • Educational incentives.

Social Actions

  • Donations to the State Fund for Children and Teenagers, according to Law 8069/90, Article 88, IV item, destined to the Pequeno Príncipe Hospital, located in Curitiba, which is the largest pediatric hospital in Brazil and allocates up to 70% of its capacity for public services (SUS);
  • Donations to the BrinCanto Project - Chants and Enchantmenst of the Brazilian Popular Tradition, which has the Pequeno Príncipe Hospital as benefited institution and guarantees children and teenagers access to art and culture, through the Federal Law of Incentive to Culture 8.313 / 91 ;
  • Donations to the Music Industry Project, from the city of Cerro Largo, in the south of Brazil, making the comunity more integrated and spreading the regional culture, through the Federal Law of Incentive to Culture 8.313/91.
Top Móbile Awards

Sustentabilidade & Responsabilidade

Preservation of Native Area
Artely helps maintaining a native Brazilian forest, protecting the region's biodiversity, rare species, water sources and many natural beauties.
Use of Renewable Natural Resources
Usamos chapas de MDF e MDP feitas de madeira de pinus e/ou eucalipto reflorestados.

Artely values SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, producing with reduced environmental impact and minimal waste generation. We prioritize saving natural resources and reusing raw materials.

Find out more about our actions:

  • We help mantaining a native area of Atlantic Forest, threatened of extinction;
  • Internal treatment station of the water used in the production process;
  • Uso de matéria-prima proveniente de reflorestamento;
  • Production of Tamburato: really sustainable panels;
  • Use of water-based glue to manufacture Tamburato, less polluting and without the typical chemicals of other glues;
  • MDF and MDP residues of the production process are sent to other companies in the region, to be used as raw material;
  • The cardboard received at the company is reused internally, reducing pollution and consumption of natural resources.
Highest quality
Resistant to temperature variation
High mechanical resistance
Best cost X benefit

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